BENERGY PETROIL Incorporated was founded in 2014, in order to concentrate the energy products trading projects and operations of LENTIA Trading International and the technical services of a few partner companies.
With the increase in clients demand for turn key projects from the supply of oil and gas products - being it fuel or equipment supplies and new efficiency technologies / protection / safety from the rig to the refinery - there was a need to separate businesses and focus on the supply chain and new technologies for both segments.
We count on a team of international energy procurement experts based in Brazil, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Russia and the Middle East. Through our ties ties with world class suppliers we are able to offer you the best solution and most efficient arrangements for your fuel supplies and your equipments / new technology needs.
Go through our website and browse a few of our solutions. Maybe one of them is the right one for you. Write us at
Completa el formulario siguiente con su consulta para el propiertario del negocio.
Reseñas de BENERGY Petroil Malabo
WU MALABO C/ Luba S/N Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Carretera Bata-Mbini Km.8, Ntobo Yembiang Bata Bata, Litoral , Guinea Ecuatorial
C Enrique Nvo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Autovia Malabo II Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Barrio Paraíso Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte 240, Guinea Ecuatorial
CARRETERA DEL AEROPUERTO Malabo, Bioko Norte 1120, Guinea Ecuatorial