Bioko Turnkey Projects conducted a survey to know the degree of awareness of Equatorial Guineans living on the island of Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) about the health and economic costs of consuming non-potable water.
Residents in Bioko Norte would see their savings increased if they installed water purification systems.
Contact us and without obligation, we will provide you with a quote.
We offer our clients a full range of services, from engineering and design, planning, construction management, start-up and technical feasibility.
We also offer support to the management of the resources of the business project, providing tools that help the decision making which main goal is to offer benefits to the owners.
Completa el formulario siguiente con su consulta para el propiertario del negocio.
Reseñas de Bioko Turnkey Projects Malabo
Los cocos - carreterra del aeropuerto BP 127 Bata, Litoral , Guinea Ecuatorial
Calle Nueva Urbanizacion. Malabo II Torre de GEPetrol APDO 95 Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Plaza de la Independencia Centro Historico Zona Presidencial P.O.BOX383 Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Autovia Malabo II Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Barrio Paraíso Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte 240, Guinea Ecuatorial
CARRETERA DEL AEROPUERTO Malabo, Bioko Norte 1120, Guinea Ecuatorial