EGBL Logistics is a number one company in Equatorial Guinea to service the oil and gaz sector based on their way of doing business in total transparency and with professionalism. We are a Customs Clearing, Delivery, and Freight Forwarding company servicing all areas of Equatorial Guinea. We have offices in the cities of Malabo and Bata, in Equatorial Guinea, located on the west coast of Africa.
EGBL is working with american oil companies in the country (Marathon, EG LNG, AMPCO and all the majors at Punta europa) There is no country in the world where the national companies benefit with such significant partnerships and trust. EGBL also believes in the dynamism of the economy with the creation of a new national companies in the market to compete obviously in complete transparency.
The long term of the company is to keep growing and to be more involved internationally to finally become amultinational.
Reseñas de EGBL Malabo
Malabo, Guinea Ecuatorial Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
OYALA: Base UNICON, Entrada Norte de Oyala , Oyala Añisok, Wele-nzas , Guinea Ecuatorial
Calle de Aeropuerto - KM 4 Edificio Venus Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Autovia Malabo II Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Barrio Paraíso Malabo, Bioko Norte , Guinea Ecuatorial
Malabo Malabo, Bioko Norte 240, Guinea Ecuatorial
CARRETERA DEL AEROPUERTO Malabo, Bioko Norte 1120, Guinea Ecuatorial